Things We Don't Talk About
But God is Not a Vending Machine…
Reblogged with a few tweeks from last year because I needed to hear this again! It’s easy to say that we believe God is all-powerful and that He has the ability to intervene on our behalf. But what about when He doesn’t? When a young couple, serving on the mission field, looses their healthy, newborn son to unforeseen complications, after two previous miscarriages… When a wonderful, loving pastor’s wife suddenly dies… When a family battling cancer with their teenage son finds out their second son also has cancer… Really, God? If you are really in control and absolutely powerful, why would these things happen? If we are honest, we will admit…
When your Neighbors Pee Outside your Kitchen Window (some thoughts on losing your life)
I should preface this story by telling you that I’m a country girl. I grew up in the country. We didn’t have any neighbors next to us; we had corn fields and fence rows. And, while we did have a neighbor across the street, we were separated by our huge front yard, and the road, and lots of trees, and their front yard, and their trees. You get the idea. Don’t miss another thing! Click here to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. My husband and I moved into our current home in the month of November. It was cold. Everyone in our new small-town-neighborhood was safely inside. I recognized that…
What Now? How to Live After the Election
It was a rough political season. Tuesday was a hard, divisive election. Now we are dealing with the emotional, draining aftermath. At least we are on the internet, specifically social media. I cringe before going on Facebook right now. If you read my other election post you will know that I have hidden a bunch of my more political friends. Still, my news feed is full of political articles, political comments, and political arguments. Do you know what I see and feel on Facebook right now, even from some of my Christian friends? Hatred, Fear, Worry, and Pride. Christian brothers and sisters, This. Is. Not. Right. Hatred – For some reason, people…
It Doesn’t Matter Who Wins the Election
People are so worked up and stressed out about this presidential election that the American Psychological Association has identified a new disorder. They are calling it Election Stress Disorder. If you think I’m joking, check out this article. I’ve tried really hard to stay out of the chaos. I’ve almost completely resisted being political on social media, and I’ve unfollowed some of my more political friends. (Sorry, guys!) But as the election looms in just three weeks, and we will be forced to choose someone to be president, I’d like to remind all of you that it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter who wins the election. Seriously, in the…
Rejecting Perfection…We are All Broken!
It was a beautiful spring day, the warm sun was shining, there was a gentle breeze blowing, and the grass was turning green. I was winding my way down a familiar road, feeling each curve, radio playing, singing along. All of the sudden, I realized with a jolt that I was WAY too close to the road’s edge. The cold winter and spring rains had produced wheel-swallowing-potholes in this particular stretch. Breath caught, heart stopped, I knew that I couldn’t correct in time. “Whump!” My front wheel fell into a small canyon. “Bam!” My tire blew. A sinking feeling filled my stomach. I was going to have to call my employer…