Chasing Eden
Something isn’t right. We know it in the very core of our being. We see it every day in the news, in our relationships, and in the creation around us. We are surrounded by death.
Beauty and brokenness. Hope and disappointment. The contradictions overwhelm us.
Life is a struggle. Relationships hurt. We sense the wrongness.
There is an emptiness within us that we cannot fill…not with money or possessions, not with job promotions or titles, not with exercise or food, not with sex, alcohol, or our drug of choice. We dim the ache by staying busy and avoiding silence. We appease the longing with social media and various forms of entertainment. We try.
Our longing isn’t just spiritual or metaphorical. We can tangibly and physically feel the ache for something that we can’t exactly explain.
It seems like religion should make a difference, believing and doing the right things, but even that falls short of satisfying our emptiness. This is shameful to admit…because people say that God is the answer. We hear Christianese phrases like “there is a god-shaped hole in our hearts” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. If this is true, then why isn’t religion filling our hole?
Once upon a time, there was a garden…Eden.
In that garden, for however briefly it lasted, God walked with the people He had created in His own image. They knew what His footsteps sounded like. The people lived in perfect intimacy with God and with each other…with nothing between them and without any shame. But they lost it, and humanity has been chasing Eden ever since.
Do you believe that? Or is Eden just a pretty myth?
We do ourselves a disservice by dismissing Eden. That garden explains everything to me.
I was created to live in Eden…created for an intimate relationship with my Father God and with the people around me. Created to live in a perfect world where everything works according to it’s design. In the depths of my broken soul, that is what I long for…that is why I am never satisfied. I was made for more. You were too.
We are magnificent creations trapped in broken bodies in a corrupted creation. Everything and everyone has been affected by sin and death. Destruction is a part of life.
No amount of religious activity, or busyness, or social media, or money, or status, or anything else will ever satisfy our ache for Eden. We will live with that ache until we die. But there is hope!
Too often salvation gets presented as a list of behaviors.
- We do bad things (sin).
- Those bad things need punishment.
- Jesus died on the cross to save us.
- Pray this prayer.
- Now go do good things to show that you really love Jesus.
Wow! That’s not even close.
Salvation is about restoration.
Yes, sin entered the world when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. But before they behaved badly, they were already doubting God and listening to lies. Their perfect relationship with Him was already breaking. It wasn’t a surprise to God…He knew this was going to happen and He made them anyway. Why? I haven’t a clue!! God is way too intense and crazy for me to figure out. ๐
Salvation isn’t about our behavior. It’s about God’s unending grace, love, and forgiveness.
Jesus came and showed us WHO God IS…face to face. Shocking the religious people, amazing the crowds, and touching the broken, Jesus reached into our hearts and began to restore. He started by restoring our concept of God. God is not who our doubts and fears tell us He is…He is only better, bigger, and more good.
Jesus then grabbed sin and death around the neck and annihilated them. He effortlessly destroyed them once and for all. Jesus set us free.
But even better than seeing God face to face and having Him be nothing like we feared He was, and even better than being set free from the power of sin and death, Jesus put Eden into our hearts.
The Holy Spirit, that mysterious third member of the Trinity, comes to dwell within everyone who chooses to put their faith in Jesus. God within His creation. The possibility of oneness with our Maker. And the restoration continues. The Holy Spirit never leaves us…no matter what it feels like. He empowers us, teaches us, and begins to remake us into the amazing creation we were intended to be. We get to dwell with God NOW and for eternity.ย That’s salvation!
It’s more than religion, more than behavior; more than belief. It’s a new reality.
What does experiencing Eden in our hearts look like? I don’t know. I think it’s different for everyone. God is not limited to one cookie cutter experience. There isn’t a right Sunday School answer. This isn’t about religion. ๐
For me, it means embracing the discontent and reminding myself that this is my pull towards eternity. It means recognizing that there is more to life than the physical things around me. It means accepting the reality of a mysterious Spirit and learning to know Him. It means giving value to the people I run into every day.
In these truths my heart can find hope, peace, and satisfaction. <3 What does Eden mean to you?
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Wow, this is tremendous. You are just going from strength to strength.
In one short, expressive piece, you have described salvation – a feat I was going to attempt on my blog, but I would have taken my analytical mind a series of six pieces to achieve, lol ๐
And I might still do that series. But in the meantime, I would like to reblog this, please, if that’s ok.
“We get to dwell with God NOW and for eternity. Thatโs salvation! Itโs more than religion, more than behavior; more than belief. Itโs a new reality.”
Yes, this!!
Christy Lynne Wood
You are always welcome to reblog Tony! ๐
Excellent, thank you ๐ Currently scheduled for 1st July.