Defining Deconstruction
There was an incredible Lego set
but over the years people added pieces to it
and took some away
Most of them had good intentions
They were trying to make it look better
or more creative
maybe more fun
and even more defined
But after a while you couldn’t tell
what it used to look like
It was just a pile of Lego blocks
stuck together
I took the blocks apart
and found the original instructions
which were kind of crumpled and hard to read
Then I separated the pieces
choosing the ones that belonged to the oirginal set
I did my best to follow the directions
even though they weren’t always easy to decipher
and I put the Lego set back together again
I threw the extra Lego blocks in my Lego bin
This is my faith deconstruction story
Not everyone deconstructs this way
but because we use the same word
to describe our journey
it can be confusing
Some people separate the blocks
then use them to build something completely different
The end results can drastically vary
Other people take the Lego blocks apart
and throw them in the trash
or leave them in a pile on the floor and walk away
for awhile or forever
We all took the pieces apart
so we all call what we did with them
But it’s what happened after we took them apart
that makes our stories so different
and creates a confusing definition
because deconstruction means different things to each of us
More and more people are recognizing
that the Lego set called American Christianity
no longer looks like the original
because too many pieces
have been added on
or taken away
but we have different ways of dealing with it
I believe it’s necessary to take apart the blocks
to deconstruct our faith
even though it can be scary or uncomfortable
A lot of extra pieces have been added on over the years
some of us have more than others
But I also believe that it’s possible to try
and put it back together again
using the original instructions
It’s not easy but it’s worth it
because I am confident that the One
Who designed the Lego set in the first place
is here to help us
Christy Lynne Wood
This is a little different than my normal style of writing but I hope you enjoyed these thoughts. Deconstruction has become a strangely controversial word these days because of it’s lack of definition. Many people feel that to deconstruct is automatically to de-convert. But I don’t think that’s at all the case!
I want to raise awareness of all the options for those of you who are in a place of doubt and questions. Because I know that with the increasing amount of junk coming out about corporate Christianity and the Christianese Bubble world many people are finding a need to deconstruct their Christian experience.
I believe that there is a solid core to the historically orthodox truths of Christianity — His name is Jesus. I’ve personally met Him, experienced His Spirit drawing me into truth, and He has forever changed my life. If you’d like more thoughts along this line, consider subscribing to my podcast Looking for the Real God. There you will find my story of leaving a Christian cult, finding the Real Jesus, and deconstructing many of my former beliefs along the way.

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Christy Lynne Wood
I was hoping that you were still alive and well after this crazy year. Good to hear from you, Tony!