I Will Not Fear
Apparently ISIS has trained soldiers in my state ready to follow orders, ready to commit more acts of terror like what happened in Paris. This should make me nervous, right? Social Media is full of scared people worried about terrorists. Our country is full of scared people, such as the people who are now refusing to allow refuges into their states.
I’m not afraid. In fact, I say bring it! Why? Because I’m amazing? No! Absolutely not! It’s because I believe that my God is big enough to handle it all!
But, I might die! So what? Death means life with Jesus!
But if I’m dead, who will take care of my family? Their Heavenly Father!
Loved ones might die! Yes, but nothing is certain…they also might get in a car accident tomorrow. God is still in control!
What if it’s the End Times? Awesome! That means Jesus is coming back! Let’s celebrate!!
But what if I lose my stuff and have to go through hard times and don’t get to do what I want? That’s just called real life. God does not change.
Listen, I was raised in a fear-filled environment. We were always afraid, mostly that if we didn’t do the right things God was going to punish us. This message was presented so that those in charge had more control. The real God isn’t like this! He’s not out to get us!
God has been with me and my husband through death and grief as we miscarried our first two children at 17 and 18 weeks. God held us up when my husband’s father was suddenly killed four years ago. God has walked us through moves, job changes, lack of jobs, uncertainty, stress, and tragedy. I have felt Him and seen Him and that is why I am not afraid. Jesus does not change and He has promised to take care of us. There is no reason to fear!
Fear is a powerful weapon of your enemy, the Devil. He uses it to keep you quiet, defeated, and useless.
- “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Psalm 118:6
- “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
- “I (Jesus) have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But, take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
How big is your God? Maybe you have accidentally made him into your own image…too small and powerless. Come on! This is the star-breathing God of the Universe we are talking about! The God who did all the miracles in the Bible! The God who killed His own Son so that you could be His child! He’s got this! Run to Him, let Him give you peace, and stop being afraid!
