Prayers for 2023
Desires and Hopes for the Coming Year
As I enter 2023, I hold these prayers with outstretched hands:
May we be people who tell truth—even when it’s hard—from a heart of love and compassion.
May we stop hiding sin because we are afraid of ruining God’s reputation.
May we become people who humbly admit when we are wrong.
May we listen with openness to the opinions of others even if we disagree.
May we learn to see one another as precious and valuable regardless of our differences.
May our disillusionment with religion drive us to find the Real Jesus who was also unimpressed with outward behavior.
May we take the time to dig into Scripture for truth rather than depending on our own feelings or people’s opinions.
May we be willing to walk the awkward middle way of grace and truth with Jesus even if it’s lonely.
May we find brothers and sisters who will walk the awkward middle way with us.
Here’s to the new year, friends, and all that will come with it. Happy New Year!