• \'rant\ : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

    Progressives, Jen Hatmaker, and Grace & Truth

    The Christian internet has once again exploded. On Tuesday, in an interview with religionnews.com, popular Christian author, speaker, and HGTV star, Jen Hatmaker, voiced her belief that gay marriage can be “holy”. Kaboom! On blogs, Facebook threads, and articles across the internet, progressive Christians are celebrating Jen while fundamental Christians are destroying her.  Both camps are also viciously tearing into each other. Sometimes I hate social media and the internet. I hate what it does to us and what it allows us to do to others. I totally get why “progressive” Christians react against people they see as “fundy and stuck in the past”. I am right there with them,…

  • God Ponderings,  My Story

    No Condemnation!

    I remember the exact moment when I realized that Jesus not only loved me, but He also liked me unconditionally. Somehow in my mind I had confused the two. Love seemed like something He had to do because He was God, but I was pretty sure He only liked me when I was performing correctly. It makes sense, sort of… Parents and teachers like us better when we follow the rules, and we feel their dislike when we are making poor choices. It’s hard to imagine God being different. We put God in such a tiny box, a box made out of our own human reasoning and logic. Silly us!…