A Million Ways to be Saved
Mel slowly admitted how distant she felt from God, how distant she had always felt. Even though she had walked the aisle at church multiple times and given her life to the Lord on numerous occasions, she still felt disconnected. “It’s like there is a blockage between us,” she whispered with tears in her eyes, “And I just can’t figure out what it is.” “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30) Ask this questions to different Christians and you will probably get multiple answers. Pray the sinners prayer Ask Jesus into your heart Raise your hand, walk the aisle, etc Make Jesus the Lord of your life Repent…
Living in the Real World of Gray
I was raised in a world of black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, us vs. them. Granted, my parents were more tolerant than a lot of families I knew, but the atmosphere was still there. And, it didn’t help that I naturally tend to think this way anyway. Let me give you some examples. Oy! Wrong and bad things (in no particular order): dating, college, women wearing pants, public school, blue jeans, bearded men, women with short hair, being friends with the opposite sex, Disney movies, any movie rated more than PG, movie theaters, white bread, pork, music with a “back-beat” aka rock and roll, CCM, country,…
Finding Hope this Christmas
The lights seemed to twinkle. I sat in the quiet morning, the only one awake, staring at my Christmas tree. My Bible was in my lap; a cup of coffee in my hand. I should have been feeling peace and contentment, delighting in this special season, right? Yeah, not so much. Instead, I was very aware of the wrongness in the world, and I was feeling depressed, dissatisfied, and hopeless. “Why, God? Why don’t you stop it? Why don’t you fix it? The world is so screwed up! When are you going to do something?” “Two thousand years ago” It always surprises me when God actually answers me, not out…