• My Story,  Things We Don't Talk About

    Social Media and a Polarized World

    I just finished the Netflix documentary called “the social dilemma” this morning. It feels fitting considering that we are all waiting the results of a very polarized and passionate election. Have you every wondered, “What happened to our world? When did it get so crazy?” I have. Often. And thanks to this documentary now I have some insight. I’d encourage all of you to watch it. Unless you cancelled your Netflix account because of the online drama over the “Cuties” movie. (Which ironically is a perfect example of what the documentary is talking about.) Did you know that fake news travels six times as fast on social media as real…

  • God Ponderings,  My Story

    Thoughts About Obscurity

    It started with one word. Number eight on a list of Ten Traits of a Servant. Obscure. Google’s dictionary defines obscure as “not discovered or known about.” It’s ironic. Every writers’ conference I’ve ever attended holds entire sessions on how to build your platform…how to become known…how to be found. If you want a chance at writing a book, you’d better have a couple thousand followers on at least one social media platform. Put yourself out there. Schedule posts that will keep popping up through out the day. Build your tribe! Find your people!! Be a servant…be willing to be obscure…not discovered…unknown. I don’t know if I can be both.…

  • \'rant\ : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner,  God Ponderings

    Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate

    I’m so tired. So tired of the anger, stress, arguing, protesting, fighting, etc. I’m tired of seeing it every time I open up Facebook, or other social media, or watch the news. It’s exhausting. I’m not saying that anyone’s beliefs are invalid. You have a right to your beliefs, but the action, reaction, and then over reaction is getting old…really old. Can I just be real for a minute? Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they hate you! It doesn’t give you the right to say horrible things about them. This goes for both sides! As someone who was brainwashed, I feel like I can say some…