• And Then I Met Jesus,  God Ponderings

    Rediscovering Jesus – In the Garden

    We were made to be magnificent. Human beings were the culmination of His creation. God lovingly, personally fashioned us from dust. Intentionally sculpted and gave us life. Beautiful…powerful…creative…intelligent…capable…we were built in the very image of God. We were especially designed for relationships: able to intimately know others, and able to walk with God. Until it all fell apart. Christy, you said you were going to do a series on rediscovering Jesus. What are you doing in the Garden of Eden? This is where Jesus starts, friends. This is where the gospel begins! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He…

  • God Ponderings,  Relationships and More

    An Identity Crisis Pt. 1 (What Makes Me ME?)

    Is anyone really as confident as they seem? Or if we are honest, do we all struggle with insecurity to some degree? Most of the time I come across very confident…bold, outgoing, friendly, enthusiastic…sometimes I even fool myself. But thanks to my rough summer and subsequent counseling sessions, I am discovering just how much I struggle with insecurity. If I feel safe with you, you might already know this about me: Despite the fact that I am typically pretty friendly, my modus operandi is to assume that I’m not good enough and that therefore people don’t like me. I often feel “not good enough” and maybe you do too.   It was…