Rediscovering Jesus – In the Garden
We were made to be magnificent. Human beings were the culmination of His creation. God lovingly, personally fashioned us from dust. Intentionally sculpted and gave us life. Beautiful…powerful…creative…intelligent…capable…we were built in the very image of God. We were especially designed for relationships: able to intimately know others, and able to walk with God. Until it all fell apart. Christy, you said you were going to do a series on rediscovering Jesus. What are you doing in the Garden of Eden? This is where Jesus starts, friends. This is where the gospel begins! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He…
A God to Fear
Why are we so quick to stuff God into our little “god boxes”? Explain Him, minimize Him, dismiss Him… Too often we act like we have God all figured out. What if we are wrong? What if we are terrifyingly wrong? I’m sitting here feeling inadequate to even write this. But, I am SO passionate about Christians, believers in Jesus, really meeting God, really experiencing who He is, that I have to say something. In youth group last Wednesday we watched a short video with Francis Chan. The topic was fearing God. I used to hate that phrase… Growing up in my Christian cult, we had a fear of God,…
My Seemingly Ridiculous, Backwards, Illogical, Inside-out Obsession
I might be obsessed. Actually, if I’m going to be honest, I know I’m obsessed, but he is a wonderful obsession. And if anything, I want to be even more obsessed with him in 2016. People often struggle with their view of God. I know I have! Who is He? What is He like? What does He want from us? Sometimes we see Him as angry, or distant, or full of punishment. We think He expects certain behaviors from us and is disappointed in our failures. We see Him waving a list of rules to follow. Do you want to know what God is like? Take a close look at…