• And Then I Met Jesus,  Looking for the Real God,  My Story

    Shaking Up Tradition and Religion

    I have a new theme song! Have you ever had a song resonate so deeply that it feels like the theme of your life? This one has been out since 2021, but I just heard it for the first time at the writers conference I was attending last weekend. Yes, writers conference! We will get to that. Also, hello there! It’s been a while. 🙂 “Shake up the ground of all my tradition. Breakdown the walls of all my religion. Your way is better. Your way is better.” Joshua Neil Farro / Rebekah Erin White / Lucas Salles Cortazio / Evelyn Braun Heideriqui This bridge is the heart of everything…

  • An Impostor Jesus,  My Story

    The Lengthy Process of Writing a Book

    Five years ago I felt like God asked me to write a book. It wasn’t something I’d ever planned on doing, but I was up for the challenge. Or so I thought. I had no idea how long of a process this would be, how many disappointments I would face, how discouraged I would get, or how much my book would change over the years. Originally I wanted to write the story of how I found the real Jesus — or rather how He found me — in the midst of cultic, legalistic Christianity. I was heartbroken over the many people who grew up like me, but chose to reject…

  • God Ponderings,  My Story

    Thoughts About Obscurity

    It started with one word. Number eight on a list of Ten Traits of a Servant. Obscure. Google’s dictionary defines obscure as “not discovered or known about.” It’s ironic. Every writers’ conference I’ve ever attended holds entire sessions on how to build your platform…how to become known…how to be found. If you want a chance at writing a book, you’d better have a couple thousand followers on at least one social media platform. Put yourself out there. Schedule posts that will keep popping up through out the day. Build your tribe! Find your people!! Be a servant…be willing to be obscure…not discovered…unknown. I don’t know if I can be both.…

  • God Ponderings,  My Story

    Learning from People I Thought I Disagreed with…

    About a month ago, I set out on a journey of learning and discovery through reading. You know what I’ve discovered so far? I’m kind of a jerk. Good to know, huh? 😉 When I first started my book proposal a couple of years ago, there were three books somewhat contemporary to mine that totally irritated me. Not that I’d ever read them, mind you. But I knew (or thought I knew) the conclusions the authors came to and I disagreed with them. These women had all become disillusioned with evangelical Christianity and were looking for something different. They had significant followings. It irritated me. Prideful much? In my last…