Love Beyond Words
I probably should have been scared. He was very noticeable, standing at the Starbucks counter. Not only was he was dressed all in black, with tall black combat boots, he also had this amazing hair. It might have been fake, but it was really long, black, almost woolly, and kind of jagged. As I got closer, I saw the black gauges in his ears, and not one but two rings through the center of his nose. I smiled.
Standing behind him as he ordered, I was close enough to see his chains, tattoos, and black, zippered, leather jacket. My smile got bigger.
We waited for our coffee together, although he never looked up from his phone. From the front, I could see the Satanic goat head on his black ball cap, and catch a glimpse of the death metal t-shirt under his jacket. By this point, I was almost in tears…I could hardly contain the love I felt for this boy-man I’d never even met.
He didn’t acknowledged me. But I do have to wonder if he noticed the overly-happy woman watching him with a stupid grin on her face.
I sat in my car for a minute, sipping my coffee, tears trickling down my face, praying for this stranger that I now loved. The Holy Spirit began to whisper.
“I see you just like that, Christy…every bit of hurt and brokenness and mess, and I love you even more than you can imagine. I see you, and I think, ‘How beautiful! What a beautiful, broken mess. I want her.'”
It’s one thing to read the Bible and believe that God loves us. But, friends, this is how I KNOW that God loves us…adores us. I know, because sometimes He lets me feel a little bit of His heart. God’s love is passionate and ridiculous, intense and crazy. We don’t even have a WORD to describe the power of the love He feels for us. There was no reason for me to love that tall, skinny, potentially satanic, black-clad, young man that I’d never met before. But I did…because the God of the Universe loves him beyond words. And He loves you too!!
Do you believe that? God loves you. And, He likes you! 🙂 SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
We are all broken. That’s the truth.
I think this is one of the reasons I love “alternative type” people so much…they are brave enough to wear their brokenness openly. The rest of us scramble around, pretending we have it all together. We fake it, hoping to be believable. Trying to fool other people, and ourselves, and God. We find more socially acceptable ways to be screwed up.
There is no shame in being broken…not in the arms of Jesus. No condemnation. He already knows our deepest, darkest secrets, and He doesn’t care. They do nothing to affect His love for us. If anything, maybe our brokenness makes Him love us even more.
Think about it…what takes more love? Loving someone who is good, and wonderful, and perfect, and easy to love? Or loving someone who could care less about you, who is your enemy, who hurts you, and runs away? Yeah…
Being broken is part of being human thanks to our sin nature. Accept it. It’s okay. And then bring those broken pieces to the foot of the cross and be healed. It’s not by our own efforts…that would be like trying reconstruct a broken piece of china with Scotch Tape. We are healed by the blood of Jesus. His grace, His forgiveness, His death and resurrection.
When Jesus fixes us, it’s like Kintsugi.

Not familiar with this word? I found this great definition online at
“Kintsugi is the centuries-old Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with a special lacquer dusted with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. Beautiful seams of gold glint in the cracks of ceramic ware, giving a unique appearance to the piece. This repair method celebrates each artifact’s unique history by emphasizing its fractures and breaks instead of hiding or disguising them. Kintsugi often makes the repaired piece even more beautiful than the original, revitalizing it with new life.”
Jesus wants to gather our broken pieces into His arms and love us just the way we are. Then He wants to put us back together. We tend to think God is looking for perfection and we feel our inadequacy. But, Jesus has already given us His perfection…God sees us as perfect because of Jesus’ death! We are broken, but we are whole.
“We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” 2 Corinthians 4:7.
In the same way that Kintsugi emphasizes the gold lines fixing the cracked pottery, when people look at us, they will see Jesus.
Please hear me. I want you to begin to believe this.
- Every single one of us is broken. Some of us just hide it better than others.
- Jesus looks right through our masks, sees our reality, and loves us beyond words.
- There is no shame in being broken, not at the cross.
- We cannot begin to be healed until we face our mess and give it to Jesus.
- Jesus cares more about our broken heart than our outward actions.
Will you let Him love you?
I love this post so much. It made my heart soar. Thank you.
Christy Lynne Wood
Thank you!! And you are very welcome. His love makes my heart soar too! 😊
Thats me, how did you know, I guess we’re all the same in Gods eyes, only sinners saved by grace. Good reminder. Thks Gramps
Christy Lynne Wood
This is one of your best posts yet. Simply beautiful. Keep it up!
Christy Lynne Wood
Wow! Thanks, Tony!! ❤️😊
Michelle Adserias
I love the kintsugi illustration. I heard it for the first time just a couple of months ago from a speaker at a lady’s retreat. I’d forgotten until I read your post. I appreciate the timely reminder!
Christy Lynne Wood
I love the way God has pictures of His love for us all over if we look.
Amen, Christy! Amen! Reading this, I actually felt God’s love for me.
“I see you just like that, Christy…every bit of hurt and brokenness and mess, …” Perfect illustration. Amen!
Christy Lynne Wood
I’m so glad!! 😊