God Ponderings

Fireflies, Chili, and Hope

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“You are the light of the world…No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket…” Matthew 5:14-15.

How strange would it be…if you sat on your porch one summer evening and watched as one firefly after another flew into an open container. Instead of floating free, blinking their lights in the summer dusk, the fireflies huddled together. Willing captives in a jar.

And yet, I think many Christians do the same thing. Somehow, protection and safety have become more important than being the light of the world. They huddle together around common ideology and values. Protecting good things like marriage, family, the sanctity of life, and moral absolutes, but refusing to engage the culture and the people in it.

If this life really is a vapor and just the beginning of the adventure, what have we got to lose? Do you believe that?


“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?” Matthew 5:14.

Wouldn’t it be odd…if you had a pot of homemade chili simmering on the stove, but despite adding multiple teaspoons of salt, it never became seasoned? Finally in frustration, you shook some of the salt into your hand, licked your finger, pressed it into the salt, and put it in your mouth. The salt was tasteless.

The same thing has happened to the church. Christianity is often something that just happens on Sundays. A religion separate from the rest of life. It is protection from hell, if we even believe in hell, but it doesn’t really mean anything.

If God really exists, and if the Bible really is the history of His interaction with humanity, and if this life is just a vapor and the beginning of the adventure…well, that changes everything. Do you believe this?

There are things on my heart that I need to tell you. This might be the strangest and most disjointed blog post I’ve ever written, but that’s okay. It’s real. 🙂

The darkness is very dark. This world is a mess and getting crazier by the day. It’s scary, I get that. But it’s not about safety and huddling, or about just getting by.

We were made for more. You were. And you know it. There is a restlessness that’s growing. A longing that can’t be satisfied. Because we were made in God’s image…made to be magnificent…made for a relationship and an adventure.

It can’t be about someone else telling you what to believe, or where to go, and what to do. It has to be about you and Jesus!

It can’t be about what people say, what the intellectuals think, or what is popular to agree with. It must be about you and Jesus!

It’s real, guys. Jesus is real…everything we see on this earth is just a shadow compared to Him and the adventure that is coming.

And because of that truth, we can do it. We can live the life that He has given us. It might not be easy, or safe, or comfortable, or fun, but that’s okay.

We all long for significance. We want to make a difference, to be important. But Jesus’ Kingdom is strange. It’s backwards, inside out, and upside down. The first are last, the last are first, and the Most High God became the servant of all. Think you are weak and powerless? You are the perfect candidate for adventure. Think you have gifts and abilities? Jesus might pick you to clean toilets. 😉 But either way, it’s okay because it’s about Jesus’ Kingdom and His plans.

Take heart, my friends, believe the truth, seek the Lord, and hold on to hope. Jesus wins! It’s not over yet! <3


I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, a grateful wife, and a mother of two. I love to communicate truth. Nature refreshes me, coffee comforts me, and deep conversations make me feel alive. My greatest recent accomplishment is learning to own house plants without killing them.


  • ExploraStory Cafe

    I celebrate my participation in the Church. The Church is the place that continues to point me towards Christ and that’s filled with people who are able to sing songs that I’m not ready to sing yet in tough times. It’s also a place where I can encourage and spur others on in their journey of faith. “Faith comes by hearing.” It’s something that comes from outside of me – which is why the Church remains with relevant and needed in a world where many people want to think that it isn’t.

    • Christy Lynne Wood

      I absolutely believe the church is important and it’s something I am apart of. But I also think that it needs a revival. There are churches that are doing more harm than good. There are churches that have left Jesus to follow the opinions of man.

      I am a part of a very healthy church right now…but I am also aware of many that aren’t. Since the church is made up of individual people, as we seek to discover the real Jesus for ourselves, we will awaken the church. At least that is my hope!

    • Christy Lynne Wood

      People who have actually met Jesus and are pursuing knowing Him, following Him, and serving Him for themselves. People who have moved away from a surface religion into something much deeper that affects every area of their lives. People who are being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the the image of Jesus. People who have left rules and performance behind because we realize the right things happen when we love God and love people with our whole hearts. Stuff like that. 🙂

  • Valerie Beck

    Christy, I share your longing for revival. We definitely need our church family, but it is hard to find a place where people are relying on the power of the Holy Spirit within, rather than striving in the flesh and a works-righteousness mentality. Praying!

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