The Value of Losing Our Faith
I’m not sure what I believe these days.
I think I’m losing faith.
I don’t even like going to church.
I don’t know how to be a Christian any more.
Scarily honest statements. Beautifully raw. Terrifying to admit even to ourselves.
If you said them to the wrong person, they might have freaked out. And you may have gotten an earful of Christianese — those secret phrases and well known statements that only make sense to other Church People. There may have been panic on their faces. They might have interrupted you with Bible verses and prayer chains.
I’m sorry!
Perhaps you have kept your doubts and questions to yourself because you don’t want to deal with the drama I just described. Maybe you are quietly drifting away.
If you are asking these kinds of questions and dealing with these types of doubt, I’m glad. I’m more than glad, I’m ecstatic!! I might also be crazy. ๐
I believe there is great value in losing our faith. In realizing that we don’t know everything. In living in the mystery of unanswered questions. It’s not something we should be afraid of…it’s something to welcome. Too often religious Christianity delights in straight answers, cut and dry theology, and blind faith. There isn’t room for doubt or questions. And that’s not okay.
God is definitely big enough to handle our doubt, confusion, and questions. They do not scare Him. I think He loves them!
Struggle isn’t a bad thing. Wrestling is good. Lean into it! Be fully present in this scary place of doubt. It is okay! You are okay. ๐
Here’s the truth. There is much in modern Christianity that is just tradition and religion. We get so caught up in doing Christianity that we forget it’s about knowing and being. God gets neatly packaged in a pretty box, and we forget that He is not tame or containable. Our god becomes more of a concept than a Real and Powerful Being.
Guess what? We need to lose our faith. I want every one of you to lose your faith!
Because too often our faith is not actually in the real God. Our faith is in the Christian religion we were taught and the fake god we think we understand.

Becoming disillusioned with our faith, feeling like we are losing it, is the first step to finding the real God for ourselves. Because He is real. He’s just might not be who we thought He was…
The real God will NEVER fit in the tiny box we make for Him. He is way too complex, enormous, and seemingly insane. I love that about Him!! We will never understand Him. There will always be more of Him to experience and explore.
And God wants to be found. He doesn’t make it hard for us. Even in the darkest seasons of history, He has always been available to those who sought. The Real God does not change.

Will you come with me? Let’s struggle and wrestle, question and doubt. Let’s hunt for the Real God. And as we search, let’s remember one thing. There aren’t just two options…this complicated world isn’t just black and white. There are many answers in the middle ground. Truth is often found in tension…within two seemingly opposing realities. It’s not less of a truth just because we can’t totally wrap our minds around it. We are dealing with the God of the Universe after all.
So, go ahead. Lose your faith! It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. ๐

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Me too. This is a great piece, Christy. I love the honesty and reality in your writing.
Christy Lynne Wood
Thanks, Tony!
Paul Irvine
Good thoughts but truth is truth,however itโs packaged,Gods word is sharp and powerful and will prevail. Poor Old Gramps I
Sent from my iPhone
Christy Lynne Wood
Love you, Grandpa!!
I read this and my long-trained Christian mind automatically discounts it. Puts it on the shelf titled “Dangerous New Ideas”. But it resonates with my soul. I am a Christian of 40 some years. I am searching. And I am finding a wonderful saviour who loves me. I believe that He even appreciates my weaknesses more than my ability to remember the address of that certain Bible verse. I am learning to love this Savior who loves me.
Christy Lynne Wood
I love your comment so much!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธ Thank you for reading and Iโm so excited for the Savior you are finding.
โHe appreciates my weaknesses more than my ability…โ You got it!!
Fran Augustine
So happy to find I am not alone in thinking that way. I talk to God about my feelings and thoughts always . There are times I question my faith then feel bad about it. Thank you Christy for sharing this… Love you
Christy Lynne Wood
You are not alone, Fran! I love you and Iโm glad you are continuing to question and seek. ๐
“We need to lose our faith. . . . Because too often our faith is not actually in the real God. Our faith is in the Christian religion we were taught and the fake god we think we understand. Becoming disillusioned with our faith, feeling like we are losing it, is the first step to finding the real God for ourselves. Because He is real. He’s just might not be who we thought He was . . . .”
I love this! And I am happy to say that I have ‘lost’ that sort of faith! After many decades, I am finally rediscovering the faith of my youth, and finding myself free again to be who I am, and come to know God as he reveals himself to me. He is not afraid of my ignorance, doubts, confusion . . . or even my stupid sense of humor! I love to be absurdly silly and watch my grown kids roll their eyes . . . I want them to see how freeing it is to just be who you are, and not care what anyone else thinks!
Christy Lynne Wood
Beautiful!! โค๏ธ
Very good. I know exactly what you are talking about.
Christy Lynne Wood
Hi Christy, I just wanted to say how glad I am to discover your blog and podcast and how much I appreciate them! My family (I’m the oldest of 9 kids and we homeschooled all the way through) joined IBLP/ATI Australia when I was like 7 or 8 and were in it deep, me especially- hook line and sinker, until I was in my early twenties. It’s only the last couple years that I’ve come to realize how off much of their teaching was and how much it screwed me up and friends of mine and their families who were also in it. I’ve really wanted to find others who were where I was and have managed to come out of it and deconstruct and heal without walking away from their faith, and your stuff is just what I needed. Thank you thank you for being willing to share your story and journey with us. It’s amazing and so helpful and validating. You get it and that’s so encouraging. So thank you. – A fellow journeyer and sister in Jesus in Australia. xx
Christy Lynne Wood
You are SO welcome!! I know many people who have walked away from all things Christian including my cousin. It is encouraging for me to hear of others who are also seeking to deconstruct without leaving Jesus. I love that my story and words have been able to encourage you. ๐